What is Boosting and how does it work?
Boosting is the ability for a Club or Shoot Manager to feature their shoot to all Shooters within a certain radius from the shoot location. The shoot will appear at the top of the Shooting Tournaments page with a star next to it for all Slay Clay shooter accounts within the boost radius.
Boost settings include a radius, how far from the event location will the boost show up in a shooters calendar, and how many days before the shoot takes place should the event be boosted.
When a shoot is boosted, it unlocks marketing capabilities in Slay Clays that would otherwise not be available to a non-boosted shoot. Get your event seen by the shooters that are most likely to attend your shoot, the local population!
We are still building out the capability for you to boost a shoot yourself. In the meantime, fill out the form below to get two FREE shoot boosts per club.
Boost Form
To boost your shoot, please fill out the form below. Slay Clays will contact you to process the boost.